Thursday, January 1, 2009

NCAA Postseason Thoughts

First let me just intro with how stupid these announcers are as I'm watching the Rose Bowl. They are trying to say of course USC can't play in the national championship because they always slip up and lose one. I'm not on the USC bandwagon, but didn't Florida lose to Mississippi? Are they saying that is a way better team than Oregon State? What about a two loss LSU team last season? The whole thing doesn't make sense.

So more to the point of why I decided to type up some thoughts....what's wrong with the playoff system with home games at the higher seeded teams stadium? Bowl games are really only about money and hence why so many teams already have "home" bowl games. I can't name all of the ones like this, but USC has played in the Rose Bowl how many times in the last decade? Boise State has had the Humanitarian Bowl with the exception of this year and the year they went to the BCS Bowl (maybe one other). Hawaii has the Hawaii Bowl that they've played in more than any other team (don't double check me I'm doing this without checking official stats). Georgia and Georgia Tech (not as much) have the Georgia Bowl. How much do you want to bet the New Mexico Bowl hopes New Mexico and New Mexico State end up there... Cal went to the Emerald Bowl over the "better" Las Vegas Bowl since it would essentially be a home game. Its not at all about matchups no matter how much the media tries to spin it. Its all about money as has been said a million times. And all I'm saying is the home game system is practically in place (or as Darwin would say its evolving there).


caseytanner said...

I still think AL has the biggest beef about not being able to play in the NC game.

Anonymous said...

Its a tough call between Bama and Texas. I only brought up USC because I was watching the game...

Anonymous said...

Interesting prelude to the National Championship is the Texas Tech vs Mississippi game. If you want to argue the team that loses to the better team belongs, then if Texas Tech beats Mississippi then you would want Texas over Florida.