Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bigger Stronger Faster

No this post isn't about Casey. So this is a documentary about steroids (movie title is same as the blog post title). One thing I realize about documentaries is that they all have an angle and should hardly be considered a "documentary." I'm talking about Michael Moore or Mr. "I destroy the planet as much as anyone, but make big profits off of telling people to go green" (aka. Al Gore). I'm very skeptical that they tell both sides in a very fair view. So this movie is similar that he has an angle, but he's very out in the open about it. I guess its more that he wants you to think. I'm already talking too much. But I streamed it over Netflix so if you know someone with an account (aka me) you can watch it for free. But you must be warned, I got a stern warning from the wiff for a few select words that start with "F." But its really only the guy that has biceps bigger than my head. So if you are worried about needing to talk to your bishop Josh, you can mute those five minutes. On IMDB, its rated a decent 7.8.

WARNING: You'll get biceps like this if you watch this movie.


caseytanner said...

Awesome movie.

Here is the link to the website with a trailer. The trailer doesn't do the movie justice but check it out:

After watching this movie, I'm not on the lookout for a roids dealer.

JD said...

i like docs...if for no other reason, their remedial value in talking casey down from the "considering using roids" tree.

looks interesting. i'll have to check it out.