Thursday, January 29, 2009


...Chris Paul may have punched Julius Hodge in the man-area back in college, but he seems like a pretty good guy. Please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken or you have evidence indicating otherwise.

Not to mention he recently edged close to a quadruple-double against the 76ers: 27 points, 15 assists, 10 rebounds and seven steals. Ridiculous stat line. I guess with West and Chandler out, he's had to pick up the slack. Watching him pick apart Dallas in the playoffs last year was enjoyable -- the kid's got talent.

He also has a great sense of humor, if you want to listen to an interview with him, scroll down to the Chris Paul interview. It's worth the time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Girls Basketball Follow up

The girls basketball coach that beat a school 100 - 0 was fired and this was his statement:

"We played the game as it was meant to be played. My values and my beliefs would not allow me to run up the score on any opponent, and it will not allow me to apologize for a wide-margin victory when my girls played with honor and integrity."

Does that make sense to anyone? I'm trying to figure out if 100 - 0 isn't running up the score, then what is? Someone please help me with this.

This question is Shaqtastic

Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:12 pm EST

The search for stupid questions


I just finished up watching the NFL Network's wire-to-wire coverage of Super Bowl media day, and if anything too crazy happened, it was never presented on the NFL airwaves.

Some guys did a little bit of dancing, and Deion Sanders got to show over and over again how cool he is, but there was nothing too out of the ordinary. The fellow in drag (pictured below, courtesy of Nick Friedell) never made the air. At least, I didn't see (s)him.

So to find a truly absurd question, we've got to go back to Monday. Pro Football Talk relays that during Kurt Warner's media session, someone asked him how it felt to "be older than both head coaches in the Super Bowl and ... how it is to play for a head coach younger than him."

And that might have been a reasonable question, if, you know, Kurt Warner wasn't 37 years old and Ken Whisenhunt wasn't 46. Warner was born in June of 1971, and Whisenhunt was born in February of 1962. I'm not a doctor or anything, but I'm pretty sure that makes Whisenhunt older.

You can judge for yourself if Warner looks even in the slightest bit like he might be Ken Whisenhunt's age. I don't see it. Whoever asked the question remains unidentified, which I think is a good thing, because I'd rather not judge a guy on his lowest moment. At least, I'd hope that was one of his lower moments.;_ylt=AsgAny_.d0op1w_QYTEYFQA5nYcB?urn=nfl,137087

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shaq Commercial

"How'd you get so many Q's?"
"Don't worry about it."

I love ESPN commercials.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Beyond Heartless -- Girls playing basketball

So when I saw the headline that a girls basketball team beat their opponent 100 - 0 I was NOT that surprised. It's not the first time I've seen this type of thing; and in all honesty, girls basketball is plain pathetic. I feel confident that five of me could beat most girls D-1 basketball teams by a margin greater than 100 - 0. Anyway, as I browsed a few more articles I started wondering how exactly this makes it to the news?

Like most girls basketball games, including WNBA games, there is no cameraman there or a journalists present to report the outcome, so someone had to alert the media. Does the winning coach call the local newspaper to report their great victory, or perhaps a proud parent? Then I thought well maybe it was someone from the losing team that wanted to report the abuse they just suffered. So I opened the article, trying to find a quote from the losing coach to see his/her reaction to the game. I didn't find one, but I found some facts that were much more interesting/disturbing.
  • The losing team has 20 girls in the entire school, and 8 of them are on the team
  • They have been winless over the last 4 seasons
  • "An assistant coach were cheering wildly as their team edged closer to 100 points"
  • The winning coach "told the coach of the losing team how much [he] admired their girls for continuing to compete against all odds"
  • The played full-court press and were shooting 3's in the fourth quarter.
And most disturbing of all:
  • The losing school "specializes in teaching students struggling with learning differences".
Now when there are only 20 girls in the entire school and the school is for "special people", can you not somewhat conclude that the girls playing ball were a step behind in more than just athletics. And to imagine a coach " wildly" cheering on this beatdown.

People think I'm heartless but I could never pull this off.

Thursday, January 22, 2009



Not sure how old you are but who the hell cares. Have a great day.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bigger Stronger Faster

No this post isn't about Casey. So this is a documentary about steroids (movie title is same as the blog post title). One thing I realize about documentaries is that they all have an angle and should hardly be considered a "documentary." I'm talking about Michael Moore or Mr. "I destroy the planet as much as anyone, but make big profits off of telling people to go green" (aka. Al Gore). I'm very skeptical that they tell both sides in a very fair view. So this movie is similar that he has an angle, but he's very out in the open about it. I guess its more that he wants you to think. I'm already talking too much. But I streamed it over Netflix so if you know someone with an account (aka me) you can watch it for free. But you must be warned, I got a stern warning from the wiff for a few select words that start with "F." But its really only the guy that has biceps bigger than my head. So if you are worried about needing to talk to your bishop Josh, you can mute those five minutes. On IMDB, its rated a decent 7.8.

WARNING: You'll get biceps like this if you watch this movie.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pathetic MWC Officials

So during the Utah v SDSU basketball game on Saturday afternoon. Utah's headcoach, Jim Boylen, is kneeling on the court, in bounds when SDSU steals the ball and is going on a fastbreak when Boylen reaches out and stops the ball. Keep in mind, he is in bounds. So what do the MWC officials do? They call it out of bounds on SDSU because the guy dribbled the ball into the Utah coach, who was in bounds.

No technical foul, no free throws, not even the ball back. But Utah got rewarded for their coach touching a very live ball. Simply unbelievable.

Here is a video. Let me know what you think.

Book Recommendation - "The Blind Side"

The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game

If you love football, you will really enjoy this book. Lewis alternates his narrative between the story of Michael Oher -- a poor kid who gets taken in by a rich family, and eventually becomes a top NFL prospect -- and how the game of football evolved in such a way that allowed Oher to be a top NFL prospect as one of those unsung heroes on the offensive line.

Even if you don't love football, you will still enjoy this book. It is a quick, engrossing read.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

NFL Playoffs 10 Jan 2009

I would just like to point out a few things.

I called the Ravens winning by three points, as they did against the Titans today. This was a great game. Hard-nosed, physical football, fighting for field position. Ray Lewis laid a hit on a Titans' TE that knocked his helmet off. I'm pretty sure the ref checked inside it to see if the guy's head was still inside.

Second, I think I want to diagnose Jake Delhomme with MHS (Max Hall Syndrome) for his turnover-happy performance ( that SIX PICKS! That means that there were a lot of college frat boys out there who got super hammered because they agreed to play drinking games based on Delhomme's performance). The only problem with diagnosing MHS in this situation is that after the game Delhomme will probably take most of the blame for the way he played. That's definitely NOT part of the Syndrome.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tebow Skips Senior Seaon, Ascends Directly to Heaven

Here is another article that I'm going to plagiarize. It mocks all the announcers who love to showcase what a superior human being Tim Tebow. Tebow took two whole weeks out of his summer to go to Africa and do missoinary/humanitarian work with his church last summer. He left football behind and gave up his cushy life in the USA to rough it in Africa for 14 days. Now I don't know about you, but I can't imagine any 19-20 year old kid willing to take 1 weekend, let alone 2 whole weeks, out of his summer to do something selfless. We're not talking just the weekdays, but two complete weeks! Simply unbelievable.

MIAMI (SP) -- Shortly after leading the Florida Gators to a national
championship with a 24-14 win over Oklahoma, junior quarterback Tim
Tebow announced that he would skip his senior season and ascend
directly into heaven.

Tebow entered the press room to wild applause. A reporter for a 24-
hour cable sports network burst into tears when the 2007 Heisman
winner entered the room. Another threw a pair of boxer shorts on the
podium. Tebow smiled at the gesture and several sports reporters

"Sorry I'm late," Tebow began. "There was a six-year-old boy with
cancer in row 54 and I had to make my way through the crowd to heal

"I want to start by saying that playing quarterback for the University
of Florida, winning two national championships, has been a great
honor. There has been some speculation about my future and I want to
clear that up right now," he continued.

"Don't go, Tim!" a reporter shouted from the back of the room.

"After much consideration, I have decided to skip my senior season at
the University of Florida and ascend directly into Heaven," Tebow
announced. Upon making the announcement, Tebow was bathed in a
blinding white light and vanished.

In response to the news, ESPN announced they will have a month-long
tribute to Tebow. ESPN2 will now be known as ESPN-TEBOW and will
feature Tebow highlights (including home videos of Tebow's childhood),
re-airings of past interviews, Tebow-centric analysis by ESPN air
personalities, a Tebow quiz show and a reality show to find the "most
Tebow-like" person in America.

"He wasn't just the greatest player in college football history," said
a college football writer at the press conference, tears streaming
down his face. "He might have been the greatest person to ever walk on

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Don't Bring Donuts"

Sac-town Kings veterans punk their own rookie

Sunday, January 4, 2009

College Football Blog

Found a new one:

and a hilarious post...make sure to read the entire entry:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

NCAA Postseason Thoughts

First let me just intro with how stupid these announcers are as I'm watching the Rose Bowl. They are trying to say of course USC can't play in the national championship because they always slip up and lose one. I'm not on the USC bandwagon, but didn't Florida lose to Mississippi? Are they saying that is a way better team than Oregon State? What about a two loss LSU team last season? The whole thing doesn't make sense.

So more to the point of why I decided to type up some thoughts....what's wrong with the playoff system with home games at the higher seeded teams stadium? Bowl games are really only about money and hence why so many teams already have "home" bowl games. I can't name all of the ones like this, but USC has played in the Rose Bowl how many times in the last decade? Boise State has had the Humanitarian Bowl with the exception of this year and the year they went to the BCS Bowl (maybe one other). Hawaii has the Hawaii Bowl that they've played in more than any other team (don't double check me I'm doing this without checking official stats). Georgia and Georgia Tech (not as much) have the Georgia Bowl. How much do you want to bet the New Mexico Bowl hopes New Mexico and New Mexico State end up there... Cal went to the Emerald Bowl over the "better" Las Vegas Bowl since it would essentially be a home game. Its not at all about matchups no matter how much the media tries to spin it. Its all about money as has been said a million times. And all I'm saying is the home game system is practically in place (or as Darwin would say its evolving there).