Wednesday, March 4, 2009

MWC proposal to BCS

This is the proposal that the MWC submitted to the BCS committee on how the BCS bowl games and national championship should be decided. I was very impressed with their ideas. I found them to be very logical and fair.

Take a look, and if nothing else, look at the numbers on the last page (page 4). It shows each conferences record against other BCS conferences. I'd never thought of it before, but what a great method of determining the strength of a conference.

Essentially, the MWC proposes a method similar to what international soccer uses, where if you can reach a certain winning percentage against the current BCS conferences, then you are a BCS conference.

Take a look at the numbers and tell me you're not impressed with the MWC, and it really shows how weak the really is.


Ben said...

That is a great article. I would like to see this discussed on espn.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's compelling. Glad to see the stat on how we compare to the other non-BCS conferences. Not much of a comparison.

JD said...

nice, cogent argument