Monday, March 23, 2009

More important injury than Lawson's

Ahh crap.  I really wanted to see him whoop up on some frenchies.  This is sad for America.

PS  In my professional opinion, I bet Lawson couldn't even walk on it today.


JD said...

let's hope lawson gets some good drugs.

i'm throwing out a french conspiracy theory that they sent a guy after lance. there...i said it!

Jason Nartker said...

When he first came back he said that his main focus was on the Tour of Italy. . . as he has progressed throught the season he has slowly but surely shifted his focus back to his first love, The Tour De France. With this injury he will heal in about 4 to 6 weeks (his was a clean break so I have heard as early as 3 weeks for him). Now he will simply ride the 3 week Tour of Italy for training, race a few more races in June when he was planning on resting and then peak for the Tour de France in July. I still feel confident that there will be some French A kickin going on. . . but it still sucks that he won't be racing at full strength until then.

JD said...

3 week recovery is impressive. if Lance isn't racing, what's the point in watching the tour de france?

Jason Nartker said...

For the casual American fan, there is really no reason. . . but it is still going to be a ridiculous field of participants this year even without Armstrong. One of the strongest fields in the past few years.