Sunday, August 24, 2008

Max Hall in NY Times

Feisty Quarterback Could Help B.Y.U. Crash the B.C.S.


Anonymous said...

Another reason to like Hall...he likes the Office

Jason Nartker said...

This is probably going to cause a homer firestorm but here we go. . .

I didn't (and still don't) know that much about Hall, but that article made me not want to ever meet the guy. He likes the office. . . and that's about all I think I could really like about him. How bad do you have to stretch things to making fist fights with teamates a good thing?

Not liking the guy doesn't mean he can't play, but an article based almost entirely on his personal life came off to me as less than flattering. Of all that personal stuff mentioned, I can't see much for me to want to send my son to a fireside where he is the speaker other than that he is the BYU quarterback.

Whats the under/over on the number of fights in 7 months in the field? I'm setting the line at 3 and picking over. I'm suprised he didn't use the good ol fashioned "medical release" for his early departure. . .

(I'm bracing myself. . .)

Jason Nartker said...

This is probably going to cause a homer firestorm but here we go. . .

I didn't (and still don't) know that much about Hall, but that article made me not want to ever meet the guy. He likes the office. . . and that's about all I think I could really like about him. How bad do you have to stretch things to making fist fights with teamates a good thing?

Not liking the guy doesn't mean he can't play, but an article based almost entirely on his personal life came off to me as less than flattering. Of all that personal stuff mentioned, I can't see much for me to want to send my son to a fireside where he is the speaker other than that he is the BYU quarterback.

Whats the under/over on the number of fights in 7 months in the field? I'm setting the line at 3 and picking over. I'm suprised he didn't use the good ol fashioned "medical release" for his early departure. . .

(I'm bracing myself. . .)

caseytanner said...

I've told J this the other night when we were discussing the article. From personal experience, Hall is jerk. He's pretty full of himself. And though I'm very glad he is at BYU because he has serious talent, I seriously doubt the reason he is at BYU, when he came home from those long 7 months. ASU had 3 QB that were ahead of him on the depth chart, and 2 were his same grade. So I think he saw an opening at BYU and took it.

Josh Hauser said...

I have to echo some of the feelings that I never much cared for the guy. He does have skills, but he never really impressed me as a person, and this article does little to paint him as a role-model