For me the summer months are void of sports. Not only are summer sports lame (cue Casey to pipe in about baseball being the purest, most holy form of sport), but summer television is horrible (America's Got Talent is the #1 program..are we kidding?). My bunny ears only get five channels and I try to limit TV time so I'm really not complaining too much. But when the wife is trying to cue up another session of Oprah its nice to have a game to challenge with.
So my sports season runs from the first game of college football to the end of March Madness. But thanks to the Olympics, the sport season starts some three weeks early. And given Chinas handling of things, more drama than a steamy soap opera may be in store... Let the Games Begin!

Beautifully written. I'll admit one thing. Baseball is hardER to follow when your team is arguable the worst team in all of baseball (cough - Padres). But I'm stoked about the Olympics. And I heard recently that a couple of russians runners got banned for drugs. At least we know it's not just American's that cheat.
That's interesting about the Russians. I hadn't heard that. The other thing that is interesting is the Chinese gymnasts. Three of them are under 16 which is the minimum age to compete (read more here).
It'll be interesting to see if they compete. Given that we are talking about China it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they do...
you start rounding us up some sponsors, J, and we'll send you to malaysia or something. good little post.
the bill simmons book i'm reading has ALMOST convinced me to follow a baseball team. almost.
and who's knocking oprah? so what if she is power-hungry and narcissistic?
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