Thursday, August 28, 2008

Too Good to Play?

Has anybody heard of this 9-year old baseball player?

Seeing as most kids that play little league baseball aren't going to make the pros, I'm guessing that at least part of what they should get out of playing little league is effort, perseverance, etc. Is banning this kid that "throws too hard" the solution? What does that teach the other kids? I'm assuming that he isn't intentionally aiming for kids; and, if he is this good, I'm guessing he's also accurate.

Or, could they just move him up to an older age group?


Ben said...

That's the thing. This is NOT little league. It has nothing to do with the little league.

This is a community organization whose main goal is keeping kids off the street. It is a DEVELOPMENTAL league. Most of the kids have never played before.

#1 If this kid is so good, sign him up for little league.

#2 This community league can make its own rules since it is not overseen by any other organization. If it wants to require that everyone run backwards around the bases and play without shoes it can.

#3 I would not want my 8 year old taking a 40 mi/hr baseball to the face. That could kill a kid.

Apparently, the mother is a real piece of work too.

caseytanner said...

First off, Ben just dominated JD. Second, the kid has never hit a batter, so apparently his accuracy is solid