Thursday, February 5, 2009

Big Ben

Absolutely love this commercial.

As an up and coming fan of the NFL, wanted to see what everyone else thinks after Roethlisberger's performance in the playoffs/Super Bowl. Where does he rank among the modern era of quarterbacks? Brady? Manning? Brees? I understand the myriad of factors that you need to take into account with QBs, but the guy knows how to win.



caseytanner said...

how bout the Cards got screwed, and they were the better team by far, and don't think Ben did anything terrific. Good enough not to lose, not great, but good.

JD said...

believe me, having watched the Steelers-Seahawks SB, I have no love of the Steelers, nor the fact that refereeing crews seem to love them.

i'm just thinking about fourth quarter performances. he's kind of the opposite of romo, who plays well for three quarters then buckles when it counts. I suppose the argument could be made that if Roethlisberger (man, I hate typing that out) played well in the first three quarters, no comeback would be necessary, but...