Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hockey Eh?

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This cracks me up. Bulgaria's women's hockey team lost a match 82-0. The part that kills me is they don't want to recogize the goalies amazing 57 saves. So funny because I just picture this fat girl sitting in as goalie and all 57 saves are the times she was actually hit by the puck. I bet she cringes remembering all 57 of those. So funny...


caseytanner said...

incredible. Sounds like the most entertaining hockey game ever.

Josh Hauser said...

No, you know what it sounds like? It sounds like Casey and I dominating every single team ever with Nicky Lidstrom and Yzerman as we played Xbox into the wee hours of the morning every night during the summer of 2005. We played so much, that most nights, Jenna fell asleep on the couch and at 2 or 3 in the morning, casey would wake her up and take her home. The next day, we would lift, BBQ, and continue our NHL domination again late into the night.

caseytanner said...

Don't forget about Stone Cold Hasik! When the Wings won the cup this year, Jenna already knew the Wings entire roster thanks to those late nights.

Josh Hauser said...

I could never forget cold-stone hasek, the background music that we listened to before each game, one-timers from the corner, and lidstrom's devastating slapshot from range. Man, those were good times...life was pretty simple

JD said...

back when i played NHL '94 on the super nintendo, i used to pull my goalie for the entire game just to keep it interesting...but i don't think i ever scored 80+