Monday, September 8, 2008

30 feet = "High"

Let's be honest with ourselves here. BYU outplayed UW all day. Our defense looked bad, but our offense was unstoppable. If Harvey doesn't uncharacteristically fumble (considering he fumbled once last year) into the endzone then we win easy.

As far as "the penatly" goes, Locker broke a rule, which is not a new rule. It may be a dumb rule, but the rule was enforced. Which makes me wonder, if Locker would have been called on this in the 1st quarter would it have mattered? Of course not. Now suddenly college football is suppose to pick and choose when to call penalties like the NBA does? Last I checked 3 steps in the first quarter and 3 steps with 5 seconds left is still traveling and should be a turnover.

On top of that, all the ESPN losers that say he "flipped the ball over his shoulder" prove that they either didn't watch the game at all, so they should shut their faces; they are completely biased toward the BCS; or most likely, they are completely retarded.

And since when did a 30 yard field goal from straight on become a big deal? I wish UW would take some responsibility and realized that UW special teams lost the game not Jake Locker for throwing the ball.


caseytanner said...

and to follow up what J said, which was hilarious. If UW makes the PAT, is it still "the worst call ever"? No. I just don't understand how timing of a call has anything to do with the validity of a call.

Josh Hauser said...

exactly. I wonder what people would have said if it was ECU, or another non-BCS team that hadn't gotten quite as much pre-season hype as our team did.

Anonymous said...

Another irritation was how much they were swinging from Jake Locker's...helmet. He is so classy and would never do something like that to draw attention to himself. He was in such a hurry to hug his teammates (as if they were bonding at a campfire or something). What was the football throw for? Who was he drawing attention to when he threw it? Its like all the counter culture morons that say they are expressing their individuality. Call it what you want, but you just want people to look at you.