Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Game 1 Thoughts

Just off the top of my head.

Second-half Fumbles A Good Thing

Despite the anxiety that a 27-17 lead against Northern Iowa caused me (I believe I blacked out at one point and had to be revived with an oxygen tank), I think the reason that it was closer than it should have been (our mistakes: fumbles) will serve us well for the rest of the season because they served as a reminder. I think if we had continued with the momentum we had in the first half and annihilated NIU, we would have gone into UW almost too confident. The fumbles reminded us that "yeah, we're good, and yeah, we have an extremely high-powered offense, BUT we still need to protect the ball no matter who the opponent is." I think it was good.

Pitta Better Than Harline?

This may have already been a point of discussion last year, and too early in this season to tell already, but Pitta was an absolute beast. Harline will forever be etched in BYU fans' minds because of the catch, and he was undoubtedly a beast at tight end, but I think Pitta will put up some crazy stats.

Other input? Thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. Pitta has already proven in 2 games what took Harline most of a season. He's consistent too-- Collie, on the other hand... not so sure yet.