Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Art & Science of Wheelchair B-Ball

I'll just make this easier and post a link to the NY Times story.


Lex said...

I KNOW HIM! I didn't read the article, I don't have time, but Paul is cool. I met him once because he grew up near Ann Arbor and we have lots of mutual friends. I just felt like the world needed to know that.

caseytanner said...

Sorry JD, but I didn't find that even remotely interesting. What did you like about it?

JD said...

all the aspects of the player that factor into designing the wheelchairs was interesting; i didn't know about scholarships, etc for wheelchair b-ball programs.

i dunno. wasn't earth-shattering for me. just something different.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was surprised about the scholarships. The engineering was interesting to me, but I bet I was the only one :)

Chris Weston said...

People in wheelchairs suck... I don't even know why they're allowed to play sports or do anything for that matter.

caseytanner said...

yeah, they're lucky we give them wheels with those chairs.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to contribute to this blog and post an article? And nothing about the stupid Lakers. Just do me that favor...

Chris Weston said...

I'm still hurting because of my Lakers, so no worries there... it'll be awhile until I can talk NBA. I think I'm just about ready to contribute... I start work on Monday and I'll be just as bored as the rest of you.