Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Armstrong to Compete in '09 Tour?

I was reading this article on ESPN.com (admittedly I haven't read the full thing), about Armstrong coming back for the 2009 Tour de France.

I don't know enough about the cycling landscape to know how this is being viewed. With the plummeting reputation of cycling (the result of disqualifications of famous riders due to doping charges, etc), the return of a star this big would probably help, but is it enough to help bolster cycling back to where it was? What if Lance competes and does horrible? How does he go about finding a team? Are there tryouts?

Ben? Nartker?


caseytanner said...

If Lance will share his supply with me, I'll join his team

Jason Nartker said...

I've been reading about this for the past two days when velonews.com originally broker the story about an upcoming Vanity Fair article with Lance saying he was going to come back. . .

He will not have to try out anywhere. His old team manager is the head dawg for one of the big teams and said if he comes back he will do it with them. The team is Astana.

I think it will be great for the sport. They need it, and with the increased dopping controls it gives Lance a podium to say "kiss this" I never cheated. (still debateable. . .)

I'm not sure he can come back and win, but I think it would be very suprising if he came back and embarrased himself. I think he will do very well.

I'm excited to go to the Tour of CA this year which will be his first event. . . it will be a mad house with him being there! Sac has the first one or two stages this year. I've been there the last two years so i will make sure to compare to what it's like this year with Lance.

I'm excited. . . this can give cycling some more bite from a fan's perspective in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm game for watching him. I'm even willing to setup a booth of syringes for the riders.

JD said...

thanks for the info. should be an interesting wrinkle.