Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fall Practice

Many college football fans are gearing up for the start of the season. Fall practice is just around the corner and the fans are pumped! I however hate fall practice. Nothing could be worse, and from a fans perspective, nothing good comes from it.

I used to be one of those fans, who couldn't wait to read about developments that occurred during the days practice, and to listen to the player's interviews. I understand where the enthusiasm comes from, but let me explain to you why this is the worst time in all of college football.

There are only 3 things that happen during practice-

1) We hear that an individual player is "improved" during the offseason and is better than ever.
My rebuttal to this is, it's all relative. Okay so he is better than he was, but hot much better? or you think he's better because you got worse? or I'm just saying he's better because he's my teammate and I can't say that he didn't get any better or that he is worse?

2) We hear the score of the scrimmages-
As my good friend Matt Bauman (ILB, Jr, BYU) pointed out, "fans only want to hear that the offense is doing well. If the defense shuts out the offense, then the offense has problems." BYU for example is suppose to be stacked on offense, but during spring ball, there were a few occasions where the inexperienced defense, shut the offense down. But for some reason this does not mean that the defense is solid, it just means that the offense isn't as good as advertised. When a team is playing itself there is no winner. Why do we care when the offense kills the defense, or the defense shuts down the offense? How is any of that good news?

The worst part of fall practice is that critical players get injured on a regular basis. I brace myself before reading articles that recap the practice for fear of reading that Max Hall broke his foot. Practice never ends with a player healing miraculously, and if miraculous healings were happening they'd be at BYU first! But they're not so don't dream of it.

So before you get all pumped for football to start next week. Take a cold shower and realize that the status of your team can only get worse between now and the first game. Follow me and avoid reading the fall camp updates and spare yourself the torment of learning of your team's self destruction on the practice field.

PS. JD was suppose to add a picture of some gruesome injury to this post, but obviously he's slacking.


JD said...

oh hell. why'd you guys have to go and do that? you know i hate seeing leg injuries.

nicely written, case

JD said...

i just realized that you accused me of slacking on my job, but i don't remember a request for a gruesome photo.

anyway, i have a hard enough time containing my excitement about college football season starting as it is. it's good to know that reading about fall practice will only hurt. i'll refrain from reading.

we're sitting on about T-minus 30 days or so...

Josh Hauser said...

I think Fran is actually going to be out there for the opener against N. Iowa. I am going to try and make it out later in the year, but at least the Hausers will be represented at one game!

Anonymous said...

It deserves mention we are #17 in the polls. Not too shabby. But the news today about Austin Collie I'm blaming 100% on Casey for jinxing us with this post. If he recovers, Casey can be forgiven. If he doesn't, Casey isn't allowed to watch any games this season for fear of more jinxing.