Saturday, June 28, 2008

Homeless World Cup

Anybody heard of the Homeless World Cup? They've even got a documentary.

That's right. They had some qualifying matches over the weekend in DC, and I missed it. US qualifying is taking place, and they'll play against other international teams in Australia for the bragging rights of the unemployed.

Qualifications? You bet there are some. Players must:
  • Be male or female and at least 16 years of age at the time of the tournament
  • Have been homeless at some point after the previous year's World Cup OR
  • Make their main living income as a streetpaper vendor OR
  • Be asylum seekers (who have neither positive asylum status nor working permit)
I was musing to a friend the other day that whenever one of my teams isn't playing well, I usually yell out something like "Man...they're playing like a bunch of bums!" Now, I guess someone could take offense to that remark...

One final note to this hastily composed entry: Not that I lack confidence in any of our fellow countrymen, or national pride, but I got money on the Brazilians.


Unknown said...

That is hillarious. Who has the most talented homeless people? Where do they find out about this? Who funds the travel exactly and the scouting? Does the uniform consist of a trashbag?

caseytanner said...

freak, the half of the brasilian national team has probably been homeless in the last 4 years. They should dominate