Monday, August 3, 2009

Why BYU Hoops Is Never Going Anywhere With Its Current Staff

OK Boys, for my inaugural post to this blog, I'm going to tell you a story, a very frustrating story about the state of the BYU basketball program. This probably would've been timed better if I had posted it when everyone was still fired up over losing in the first round again, so let me bring everybody back to this March just to make sure this story has full effect. Simply put, BYU finishes off another season with a disappointing loss to a less-than-stellar team because they have a serious lack of athleticism. They're able to do well enough in conference play to make the tournament but then they can't step it up when the time comes. I'm avoiding dropping names, so it might get a little difficult to keep track of who's who, but it's all 100% true. It actually worked out well that I waited to post the story because it only got better (i.e., worse).

OK, now imagine for a second that there's a guy from the south side of Chicago, half Black and half Tongan (isn't that already a positive sign?), 6'1" with hops, athleticism, handles, and a jump shot, and a father who played in the NBA who has trained him up well. Now imagine the guy is LDS, a returned missionary who seriously WANTS to play basketball at BYU. Well, this guy isn't imaginary. He's the real deal. He was ranked as one of the top PG's in the country his Sophomore year of High School, and was recruited by all the top schools in the country. But as a Junior he started to develop a large cyst in his right knee, which in turn hampered his play throughout his Junior and Senior year. He had to have surgery to correct the injury, in so doing he didn't get much love before his mission - which is good for BYU. See, in getting ready for his mission, he wanted to prepare in a good environment, so he went to BYU-Hawaii right out of high school. He goes on his mission and returns in better shape than ever, with a knee that's fully healed, rested, and ready to go. Here he is fresh off his mission and can still do a put-back dunk off 2 feet no problem, and he's a PG?! The kid is strong and has serious game, and with a desire to go play for BYU so he can be in a good church environment, and no major suitors to woo him away (see above), sounds like a slam dunk, right?! Nope, because our beloved cougar coaching staff is pretty incompetent.

He enlists the help of a close friend of the family to contact BYU because his friend knew the coaching staff and could help get the foot in the door. After talking with the coaching staff from BYU they said they would look into it, but the friend couldn't believe what he was hearing - they are not trying to recruit the best Mormon kids anymore, and now they are refusing to get the best Mormon kids who want to go to their school. You are telling me you would rather recruit a kid from Utah County than get an athletic kid from Chicago who wants to be at your school and who is a great kid.

Another important note that you must keep in mind - throughout this process the friend was trying to make sure that they knew about the guy's younger brother, who is now 6'6" and only 14 years old. He is the youngest player to ever be invited to the NBA Top 100 High School Camp (which he attended this year). After the camp he received scholarship offers from Kansas, UCLA, Illinois and Ohio State. He is a Point Guard, but can play almost anywhere. He will be a Freshman this year, and will start Varsity for Simeon High School (the same H.S. that Derrick Rose went to). The BYU coaching staff didn't understand that the only way the younger brother would even consider playing for BYU, was if his brother was there (which he tried to explain to the coaching staff, but they were "happy with who they have").

This summer one of the BYU Coaches went out to Chicago to meet with the guy and his family (way too late for that now), and the coach put our guy through a workout at the Church. After working him out, he told him that they weren't interested at this time - which I don't understand. They made mention of not having any available scholarships, to which the guy's friend says - you need to get rid of a few players anyway so take their scholarship and give it to him. Since that time, our guy has signed with one of the top Junior Colleges in the country close to where his friend now lives. And get this! After he signed with them all of a sudden BYU is interested (because I don't know if you know this but BYU does more blind recruiting - which means they will recruit people without even seeing them play but because someone else is interested in them - than any other program in the country). Meanwhile, BYU went out to Chicago again last week to see the younger brother (they finally got the memo that he is the best Freshman in the country) and the family. The friend spoke with the family and they were laughing because they said it was funny how BYU didn't even realize they have already ruined their chances.

Before this friend opened my eyes, I thought doing well in the Mountain West and making the NCAA Tournament every year was good. But, after learning about this, we may have already reached the top of the mountain. We might get to the 2nd round with this M.O., but nothing more. By the way, the friend also knew a member of the Utah coaching staff, and Utah has plans to actively recruit this guy, and I think they have a good shot at landing him for the 2010-2011 season. If he goes there, I'm telling you right now that I will cheer for him to drop 50 on the cougars and for the cougars to get absolutely smashed, so to rub it all in the face of the coaches.

If you are wondering how I know all of this, the "friend" in the story is actually my cousin, who is really good friends with our guy and his family and lived in the same ward as them in Chicago. He has since moved out of the state, but still even had our guy over to his house a couple weekends ago. Their dad played in the NBA, as I said before, and now runs basketball clinics for all the inner-city kids in Chicago, and my cousin had the chance to run his high school clinics at Washington Park every Saturday when he lived there.
Don't everybody cry all at once. I'll still cheer for the cougars and partially hope they do well, but really a part of me wants it to all fall apart so we get a new staff, that is unless they can shape up their act. But, if they and the rest of the Provo bubble remain satisfied with the yearly 1st or 2nd round exit from the tourney, then I'm afraid things will not change for a long time. There... I said it!


Jason said...

Good to hear from you Johnny. I'm surprised you have relatives good at basketball. Who would have thought?

caseytanner said...

First - I'll wait and see if either of these kids pan out before deciding if BYU missed out on anything.

Second - If this awesome unbelievable freshman is really so awesome, why on earth would he go to Utah? So he could play for the 3rd or 4th best team in the conference? Ohh wait, Utah finished 5th last year.

Third - So the BYU coaching staff should have recruited a guy who no one else was recruiting (the kid who went to JC) so they could potentially recruit a kid who is 4 or 5 years away from playing?

Fourth - Maybe the BYU coaching staff was busy w/ coach Rose dealing w/ cancer this summer and trying to stay alive?

Fifth - Why would you ever root against the cougars? Because your cousin told you that BYU missed on a player? Which essentially boils down to, your cousin has a different opinion than the BYU coaches.

Sixth - If these kids are so tight what are their names?

Seventh - I don't understand how the guy wants to play for BYU so bad but because they didn't recruit him when your cousin wanted them to, now he all of a sudden doesn't want to go to BYU.

Eighth - Maybe the kid in Utah County they were recruiting was because someone else's cousin told them to, and that cousin didn't have cousins who were fair weather fans? So maybe it is all your fault Johnny because of your lack of loyalty to the cougars that they didn't bite when your cousin talked to them initially.

So yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

What does make sense to me is that BYU recruits guys like Jimmer, who is well respected, 1st team all MWC, and known in the basketball world, but who coming out of HS wasn't recruited by anyone. Did your cousin like Jimmer? Were they blind recruiting there? Or how about Brandon Davies that they picked up who had offers from Gonzaga, Cal, and Arizona. I'm sure BYU only went after him because some good programs wanted him. Stupid mistake. And should I bring up Tyler Haws? I'm sure BYU went after him because North Carolina, Duke, and Wake Forest were interested. Stupid cougars. We should go after more guys that have knee injuries and haven't played D-I ball before, but who are from Chicago.

Jason Nartker said...

Easy Casey. . . simmer down pal. :)

I can't believe you made it all the way to "eighth"

John said...

Casey, I think we'll have to agree to disagree.

However, there is one thing I'll take back now, and it may be the biggest thing that got you going. I shouldn't cheer for the cougars to get beat by Utah. I should cheer for this guy to do great in the game but for BYU to still win.