Saturday, April 4, 2009

Case pointed out that BYU Rugby is slaughtering teams -- this is not out of the ordinary, but the scores with which they've been doing it by this year are ridiculous.

Looks like ESPNU is broadcasting their game against Utah on 7 April, 9PM Eastern.

Here's a little for you all to enjoy:


caseytanner said...

I was watching the BYU v USU game last night on and they were talking about this Freshman Kiwi we have who I guess the football team is desperate to have play for them, but since he never took the ACT he can't play NCAA sports, but he looks like the second coming of Pate.

Spencer Mortensen said...

That was insane. Not going to lie, it scares me to know there are men that strong in the world. My fear of that man will keep my mouth shut at future sporting events.