Saturday, November 22, 2008

Win Win!

Tonight was a win-win.

If we had won, we would have won and ruined Utah's season. Satisfying.

Since we lost, we still win since we get some conference BCS money--500,000 I think. Hey, I'm not proud, I'll take it.

Good luck Utah in your BCS bowl game. I feel sick. I was going to travel to that BCS bowel game no matter where it was and tell my grandkids about it. That was supposed to be our bowl game. I feel sick.

5 turnovers?!?!


caseytanner said...

actually it was 6 turnovers. And i have to say that even better than earning $500K was seeing Notre Lame lose to an absolute pathetic Syracuse team.

Unknown said...

Yeah 5 interceptions was probably what you were thinking or you turned it off before Max could throw one more for his last drive. He also had one fumble.

But yeah I wasn't as stressed with the win win. But my part of the win win was that I'd rather Utah over Boise State for a BCS game for the conference somewhat but even more to insult the inlaws (huge BSU fans, and not my immediate inlaws, but the inbred cousin inlaws).

Josh Hauser said...

lets not bash my syracuse team too badly. They have been playing hard all year.

as for BYU-Utah, I really didn't give us that much of a chance to win. Say what you may about my loyalties, but I saw very early on some of our fatal flaws...slow defense, inopportune penalties, and a glaring one being that Max Hall plays with too much emotion sometimes. He'll mature from this game, and we'll take it to the U next year. Next year's prediction...barring injuries...BYU 42 UofU 21

JD said...

We took over when the score was 27-24 three times and had three interceptions. I was surprised; I thought our defense would be what lost it for us, not the offense.

The D gave the offense chances; but when you play hard for 5 minutes and your offense gives you a minute to rest...