Thursday, July 31, 2008

Senior NFL

Jenna took me to lunch today at a pizza joint, and since I no longer have ESPN I was sort of pumped to watch some sports during my break, except the only sport that rivals the WNBA in worthlessness was on - the Senior PGA.

Now I'm not a big golf fan but I still respect the sport. But why does this league exist? When you're broken down and you can't swing the wrenches with the best of 'em, join a rec league or do charity events, but become a Senior Professional? What is that anyway?

I can't think of any other sport that has a Senior league. There's no Senior MLB or NBA, but maybe that's what we need. What could possible be more exciting than a group of 65 year old terds throwing around the pigskin with one Ray Lewis in the group, ie Jack Nicklaus. One man who somehow preserved his youth and just enjoys lighting up the geezers even though he could still hang in the NFL.

But seriously, since that will never happen why not atleast make the sport somewhat relevant and have the Senior PGA strictly play against the LPGA. Wouldn't that be cute, Michelle Wie paired up with the Golden Bear? And she probably still couldn't make the cut.


Anonymous said...

I almost shed a tear thinking what a writer Casey is becoming. That was well written.

By the way, I fully endorse the LPGA versus the Seniors. What about Senior LPGA? I think the most interesting would be Senior hockey. No teeth at that point for anyone, but every fall would cost at least a hip. The last ten minutes of the game would have anyone laying prostrate on the ice while the puck just sits there.

JD said...

thanks for the post, case. I was almost going to force myself to write something to get that picture from the last post out of the way.

I, too, am impressed with the post. I'd like to see a senior american gladiators. i suppose the detail that would need to be pounded out is if only the contestants need to be 65+ or both the contestans AND the gladiators are 65+.

either way, they're not allowed to wear the tight clothes they wear today. bathrobes, maybe.

caseytanner said...

dude, senior NHL, that'd be perfect.

Anonymous said...

I think they have a senior PGA tour for competition sake. With the way the PGA tour does exempt status with money lists etc a ton of those old men would still be on tour even if they couldn't win. They could still make cuts, and make money. With the natue of Golf, fields can only be so large and the PGA tour cannot have an infinite amount of players. By creating a senior PGA Tour the PGA Tour continues to be able to create young, exciting stars that attract galleries and therefore more money. Plus do you realize what kind of money the TV & venue contracts bring in. .. if it wasn't making money there is no way it's on a major network during prime time sports ti me on Sat and Sun. Bottom line. .. although I agree that it's not all that great to watch, the reason it's there is because it is a cash cow.

By the way, the Golden Bear hardly plays at all anymore, so he's not beating up on anyone. It's the 50 year olds that play on both tours that wallup the old men. . .like Fred Funk.